Past Graduate Students

Abureli Aierken
M.S., 2018
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Non-Thesis Degree

Andrea Albright
Ph.D., 2022
Current Job: Postdoctoral Reasearcher at USDA Watershed Research Laboratory
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Nearshore Bathymetry from Fusion of ICESat-2 and Multispectral Satellite Imagery

Surendar Babu
M.S., 2022
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Non-Thesis Degree

Rebecca Brown
M.S., 2019
Current Job: Data Analyst at GeoDigital International
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Data Quality Analysis of the Leica SPL100 Airborne Single Photon Lidar Sensor

Ning Cao
Ph.D., 2016
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Advanced SAR Interferometry Methods for Ground Displacement Estimation from Spaceborne and Airborne Platforms

Chi-Hung Chang
Ph.D., 2021
cchang21 [at]
Current Job: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Houston
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Forecasting Flood Levels and Areal Inundation in Downstream Mekong Using Remotely Sensed Data and Modeling

Ziyue Dang
M.S., 2022
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Non-Thesis Degree

Jieying Ding
M.S., 2023
Advisor: Dr. Pietro Milillo

Sun Do
M.S., 2022
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Assessment of Hydropower Development Impacts on Hydrological Balance and Inundation Dynamics Change of the Lower Mekong River Basin

Tien Du
Ph.D., 2021
ldu9 [at]
Current Job: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Houston
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Operational Water Management in Highly Regulated, Transboundary Watersheds Using Multi-Basin Modeling, Earth Observations and Co-Production

Nima Ekhtari
Ph.D., 2018
nekhtari [at]
Current Job: Research Assistant Professor at University of Houston
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Land Cover and Impervious Surface Mapping Using Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanner Data

Pete Gadomski
M.S., 2016
Current Job: Sr. Geospatial Software Engineer at Element 84
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Measuring Glacier Surface Velocities with LiDAR: A Comparison of Three-Dimensional Change Detection Methods

Preston Hartzell
Ph.D., 2016
Current Job: Geospatial Software Engineer at Element 84
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Active and Passive Sensor Fusion for Terrestrial Hyperspectral Image Shadow Detection and Restoration

Darren Hauser
M.S., 2013
dlhauser [at]
Current Job: Research Associate at NCALM
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Three-Dimensional Accuracy Analysis of a Mapping-Grade Mobile Laser Scanning System

Donghwan Kim
Ph.D., 2019
Current Job: 102nd Engineer Battalion Commander, 1st Corps with the Republic of Korea Army
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Ensemble Learning Regression for Estimating River Discharge Using Remotely Sensed Data and Hydrological Model

Arpan Kusari
Ph.D., 2015
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Precise Registration of Laser Mapping Data by Planar Feature Extraction for Deformation Mapping

Jordan Laughlin
M.S., 2020
jordan.laughlin [at]
Current Job: Instructor at West Point
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Radiometric and Geometric Calibration of an Inexpensive LED-Based Lidar Sensor

Andrew Lyda
M.S., 2019
awlyda [at]
Current Job: Operations Engineer at NHERI RAPID Facility
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Non-Thesis Degree

Srijani Mukherjee
M.S., 2019
Current Job: AI/Computer Vision R&D Engineer at GeoDigital International
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Non-Thesis Degree

Zhigang Pan
Ph.D., 2016
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Shallow Water Bathymetry Using Full Waveform Bathymetric LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imagery

Sven Sorhus
M.S., 2021
Current Job: GIS Analyst at Arup Canada
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Estimating Snowfall Metrics with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner

Zhiyue Sun
Ph.D., 2019
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Estimating Glacier Ice Thickness and Mass Balance using Multiple Spaceborne Geodetic Techniques

Amirhossein Tayyebi
M.S., 2018
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Non-Thesis Degree

Hongzhou Wang
Ph.D., 2016
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Fusion of Full Waveform LiDAR and Passive Remote Sensing for Improved Land-Cover Classification

Xiao Wang
Ph.D., 2017
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Filtering of Single Photon LiDAR Data

Ting Yuan
Ph.D., 2017
Advisor: Dr. Hyongki Lee
Thesis: Congo Wetlands Hydrology using SAR, InSAR, and Radar Altimetry

Xiao Zhang
Ph.D., 2016
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Lidar Based Change Detection for Earthquake Surface Ruptures

Xinxiang "Sean" Zhu
Ph.D., 2022
Current Job: Software Engineer at Torc Robotics
Advisor: Dr. Craig Glennie
Thesis: Estimated Distributed Near-Field Surface Displacements Using Nascent Mobile Laser Scanning